Investors that are looking to make the best returns in today’s market they have to learn how to trade options.
Below are the 28 most popular option strategies, including how they are executed, trading strategies, how investors profit or lose, breakeven points, and when is the right time to use each one. Click any options trading strategy to get full details:
Long Call
Long Put
Short Call
Short Put
Covered Call
Bull Call Spread
Bear Call Spread
Bull Put Spread
Bear Put Spread
Call Backspread
Long Straddle
Short Straddle
Long Strangle
Short Strangle
Iron Condor
Long Calendar Spread with Calls
Long Calendar Spread with Puts
Diagonal Spread with Calls
Diagonal Spread with Puts
Christmas Tree Spread with Calls
Christmas Tree Spread with Puts
Butterfly Spread Calls
Butterfly Spread Puts
Iron Butterfly
Protective Put
Synthetic Long Stock
Risk Reversal
There is an endless amount of ways to trade options contracts, from calls and puts to the premium received or the premium paid, learning how to implement the best options trading strategy at the right time will result in massive profit potential for an investor.
Get the number one rated options trading course and learn the best strategies to profit with options. Our free membership includes our award-winning options trading course, which consistently is rated the highest among members and critics for its ability to take a complicated topic like options and make it easy for anyone to understand. Click here to get your free membership now.