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#1 Options Strategies Center

A Steady Business

Profiting in this type of choppy market is a challenging endeavor. This is why one of the best opportunities is to look for a steady business. A company that isn't

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#1 Options Strategies Center

Adjusting LMT

One member has reported getting exercised on the part of his Lockheed Martin (LMT) Sep 365 puts. With the stock down again today, the likelihood of more puts being exercised

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#1 Options Strategies Center

Are there Dangers in the Market?

If you've watched the news recently, you know the COVID-19 Delta variant has been catching a lot of the headlines. Investors should be paying close attention… This strain of COVID is twice

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#1 Options Strategies Center

A Beaten Down Sector?

New traders typically like to buy when markets have already moved higher and then sell when they move lower. But that is not how you make money in the market. Smart

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