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#1 Options Strategies Center

Adjusting VRT

We’re continuing with the plan we shared last Friday. The September calls have been closed, and we’re still holding the January calls. Now, I want to lower our cost

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#1 Options Strategies Center

Expiration Friday

Today is the third Friday of the month, which means it's option expiration day. We don't have much activity for this June expiration, but we are excited about the upcoming

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#1 Options Strategies Center

Expiration Friday & Thoughts

People are starting to accept that we are in difficult economic times, which means lower prices for most stocks. People who were jumping on board with the bear market rally at

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#1 Options Strategies Center

The Next Big Thing

At the ripe young age of seven, one of the most memorable Christmases I ever had was receiving an Atari 5200… This wasn't your standard Atari 2600 that most people remember.

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