I mentioned earlier that we plan to engage in a significant amount of trading this month, and that remains the case.
In fact, I’ve even got a bit of an ace up my sleeve. I received a fortune during a dinner out earlier this week, and it seemed to suggest good things ahead. So, while I was confident before, this little fortune has only boosted my confidence further.
Alright, jokes aside—whenever I sense a crucial turning point where time and price are converging, I don’t take it lightly.
In these moments, I make sure to stay fully engaged, watching stock activity from markets across the world. As most of you know by now, I’ve been sounding the alarm about the importance of this latest time window. I’ve also laid out several other technical factors that signal potential volatility ahead.
This trade report is for our Executive and Ultra members only! To read the rest of this report you will need to select one of the options below…