High valuation growth stocks are having a rough year…
A cloud of uncertainty is hanging over the market, and most investors are scratching their heads about what comes next.
Most traders have a problem because they don’t have experience trading in bear markets. There was an extreme month-long selloff when Covid first hit in 2020, followed by a ferocious market rally. The last time we saw some real long-term volatility was back in the 2008 financial crisis.
Anyone under the age of 35 likely only knows the feeling of markets trading up.
Nobody knows when the market is going to turn for sure. They may know that it’s over valuated, they may anticipate the bull market coming to an end over the next year or two, but nobody knows when that hammer will drop.
Nine times out of ten, when the market dips – it’s a buying opportunity. It’s hard to know if you’re in that one exception, but once you recognize the signs, taking precautions, hedging, and working yourself out of danger separates good traders from great traders.
Every year I like to wipe the slate clean and see how deep I can get into the year before having the book a loss. I’m happy to report that in 2022 we have opened and closed 12 trades, all of which have been winners.
That’s quite an accomplishment and a year like this!
Maybe we have a shot of challenging our record, making it all the way out to July before having the book a loss, set in our first full year in 2016.
Or maybe I just jinxed it… 🙂
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